- Know exactly what you want and have a printable .stl file ready to go.
Fill out the contact form and specify material, layer height, infill, color, and timeframe. Attach the file and click ‘Send.’ I will respond via email with a quote. Let’s go! - Have a file, but want to hear some options.
Fill out the contact form and tell me whether it’s more important that the part be strong or good looking. Include any recommendations you found from others who may have printed the part. Attach the file and click ‘Send.’ I will make recommendations and may ask some clarifying questions. Based on your choices, I will email you a quote. Give me options! - Have a great idea and want to bring it into reality with 3D printing!
I enjoy working with creative folks, so when you fill out the contact form, tell me what your design is meant to do and how far along you are. Although I may ask a few questions by email, a conversation by phone is the best way to know whether 3D printing is right for your project. Help me out!
Process Overview
- Fill out the contact form, and include a file to print if you have one
- For new ideas, we will exchange emails or have a phone conversation
- I will send you a quote and payment options
- If you want to proceed with the project, use one of the payment options
- When prints are complete, I will send photos and a tracking number. Final payment on a large project will be due at this time
- Optional, but helpful: let me know how the part performed. 3D printing is improving rapidly, so any feedback you have is helpful.

.stl Files
3D printing starts with an .stl file that is ‘sliced’ to create instructions for the robotic printers to follow as they print plastic parts layer-by-layer. Sometimes these hollow representations of your part need to be repaired. I will quickly let you know whether your file sliced successfully or needs repair.
Non- .stl Files
Many files can be converted into .stl files. Common examples are: .ipt, .iges, .step, .sldprt. I can convert the file types to .stl files for you. It is often easier to make changes to these original files and generate a new .stl than modify the .stl directly.
Creating New Files
For new ideas, I can create 3D files from your sketches and dimensions. I will send you drawings for review. To make corrections, you mark changes in red pen and return to me a scan or photograph of the changes.